Text Editors R For Mac And Windows

Whether it is Windows, Mac or Linux, these text editors are going to make you productive while you code next time. Notepad++ If you are wondering which one is the best text editor for PCs to start with, read the title again; Notepad++.

I've been using Eclipse/StatET. Best free text editor for programming mac However, there's a new FLOSS IDE that was released today that looks interesting called.

It even supports Sweave, so once it becomes more polished I may switch. Macros for word 2008 mac page. User input seemed a little sluggish when I played with it earlier today however. Update They have been actively updating RStudio every month or two. It's been months since I encountered even a minor bug. And the features added are really useful--seamless package development and native Git support being the two that come to mind.

I've been using Eclipse/StatET. However, there's a new FLOSS IDE that was released today that looks interesting called. It even supports Sweave, so once it becomes more polished I may switch. User input seemed a little sluggish when I played with it earlier today however. Update They have been actively updating RStudio every month or two.

It's been months since I encountered even a minor bug. And the features added are really useful--seamless package development and native Git support being the two that come to mind.

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