Mass Email Program For Mac

Mass Mailer for Mac Tiger is a high-performance bulk email program specially designed for Apple Macintosh computer used to send personalized email messages using message templates to a large customer base from a single Mac.

Share outlook calendat outlook for mac 2016. It’s easy to send bulk email from Mac And you can do it in two different ways. But before talking about how to do it, I would like to spend some time on explaining what bulk email is and what it isn’t. Because, it looks like many people are mistaking bulk mail for spam. Bulk email vs spam, spam, spam Well, first of all spam is always unsolicited, it does not let people to unsubscribe from it, and it always advertises something or offers some kind of scam. Normal bulk email is never unsolicited. People wilfully subscribe, and can unsubscribe at any moment.

Good bulk email messages rarely advertise something directly. They are usually informative (e-magazines, e-courses, e-books, notifications, updates, newsletters and reports), or provide subscribers with special offers, discounts and money saving opportunities. So, in short, good bulk email messages are beneficial to people who receive them as well as for those who send them. Spam is always beneficial for sender, and is most likely a trap for the receiver. What you need to know before even trying to send bulk email Now let’s talk about how to send bulk email Mac offers 2 ways of sending bulk messages, you can send them using Mac Mail or a mass mailer for Mac. There are several things you should consider before going ahead.

You need to: • Keep your email list somewhere on your Mac computer. • Add and remove people from your email list regularly. • Be able to import your existing customers to your list. • Have an ability to send thousands of messages efficiently. • Ensure you are not exposing all list members in your messages. No matter how you send your bulk email messages from your Mac, all 5 conditions must be met. How to use Mac Mail to send bulk email So the first option you have is 100% free, and readily available without installation of any third-party software products.

You can use Mac Mail to send bulk email to small lists of up to several hundred people. And here is how you can do it: • Open Address Book and import your existing email list using the File–Import menu item. • Create a group in Address Book for your email list by clicking on the [+] button under groups.

• Select the Last Import group in Address Book, select all people there and move them to your new group. • Select the group and add other people that weren’t in the file using the [+] button under the list of people. • Start Mac Mail and compose a new message by clicking on the New Message button.

• Click on the Address Book button located on top of the message editor displaying your new message. • In the Address Book picker, select the group where you imported your list, and select all people in it. • Press the “Bcc:” button in the Address Book picker, to add all selected people to the “BCC” list of your new message. • Compose your bulk message, and then click on the Send button in the message editor to send it.

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