Microsoft Excel For Mac Formulas Dont Work


Oct 31, 2012 - Excel is not working correctly for me. I had trouble getting formulas to update, until I realised some cells had. Fixed by right-clicking on the cell, selecting Format Cells. Even these simple links don't refresh with F9.

A likely cause is that Calculation is set to manual. To change this to automatic in the various versions of Excel: • 2003: Tools > Options > Calculation > Calculation > Automatic.

• 2007: Office button > Excel options > Formulas > Workbook Calculation > Automatic. • 2010 and newer: File > Options > Formulas > Workbook Calculation > Automatic. On Mac: • 2008: Excel Preferences > Calculation > Automatically In some cases you may prefer to keep it set to manual, for example if there are many heavy calculations to perform. In such cases, you can simply press F9 when you want the calculations to update.

I had a case of this just now on Excel 2010: a particular spreadsheet that would not auto-recalculate. I changed the setting as indicated above; but the auto-recalculate still did not work, and upon rechecking the 'Calculation' option, found it had reset itself back to 'Manual' all by itself. Three attempts later and it was still adamant it wanted to be 'Manual' and nothing else. So here is my solution to the problem: Copy the contents of the spreadsheet to a new one, and deleted the old one (it wasn't a particularly important spreadsheet, thankfully), and everything was fine. I can only assume that somehow the file had become corrupted. A good reason to keep backups.

I also have had this problem with a very large spreadsheet that just stopped updating itself over the weekend, but having checked the above solutions, setting were already set to automatic, and sheet is too big to rebuild, so I was at a loss. My solution was to find an old version of the same excel spreadsheet which was not having thses issuesbefore I archived it, which is of similar size and complexity to the current version. I opened this spreadsheet, checked that this was still working and autoupdating with current installation of MS Excel and any new automatic office updates (which it did work with), and then just reopened the original spreadsheet. 'Hey presto' it was working again. I suspect that your problem and its solution were different from the one in this question. The fact that there is a different accepted answer means that this problem is different from yours and that solution worked.

Typically, the kind of error you describe (turning a value into the wrong type of argument for a formula), will produce an error message. In this question, there was no error message; formulas just required manual recalculation instead of doing it automatically.

Your answer is really a somewhat random reference to a different problem you had. – Feb 24 '15 at 2:14.

A likely cause is that Calculation is set to manual. To change this to automatic in the various versions of Excel: • 2003: Tools > Options > Calculation > Calculation > Automatic. • 2007: Office button > Excel options > Formulas > Workbook Calculation > Automatic. • 2010 and newer: File > Options > Formulas > Workbook Calculation > Automatic. On Mac: • 2008: Excel Preferences > Calculation > Automatically In some cases you may prefer to keep it set to manual, for example if there are many heavy calculations to perform. In such cases, you can simply press F9 when you want the calculations to update.

I had a case of this just now on Excel 2010: a particular spreadsheet that would not auto-recalculate. I changed the setting as indicated above; but the auto-recalculate still did not work, and upon rechecking the 'Calculation' option, found it had reset itself back to 'Manual' all by itself. Three attempts later and it was still adamant it wanted to be 'Manual' and nothing else. So here is my solution to the problem: Copy the contents of the spreadsheet to a new one, and deleted the old one (it wasn't a particularly important spreadsheet, thankfully), and everything was fine. I can only assume that somehow the file had become corrupted. A good reason to keep backups. I also have had this problem with a very large spreadsheet that just stopped updating itself over the weekend, but having checked the above solutions, setting were already set to automatic, and sheet is too big to rebuild, so I was at a loss.

My solution was to find an old version of the same excel spreadsheet which was not having thses issuesbefore I archived it, which is of similar size and complexity to the current version. I opened this spreadsheet, checked that this was still working and autoupdating with current installation of MS Excel and any new automatic office updates (which it did work with), and then just reopened the original spreadsheet. 'Hey presto' it was working again. I suspect that your problem and its solution were different from the one in this question.

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