How To Create A Shortcut For Comment Phpstorm Mac

I'm using PhpStorm EAP 96-1061 on Mac. I tried to 'block comment' some code. In the menu I see ^? (I don't know how to do that on a german keyboard), I found an overview card which tells me cmd+alt+/ (I don't know how to do that) Also on the right bottom there is a hint to open the 'action search': Ctrl+Shift+A which does not work, but Cmd+Shift+A works. If I click on the search result the code is not commented, only if I select it with keyboard arrows it works. Working with these shortcuts is annoying.


Perhaps someone can tell me how what I should press on my keyboard to get this shortcut working. What's paint sealer for.

Real debugging is probably one of the most coolest things that are possible in software development: Remember the times where you echoed out everything in your app like echo $my_value; just to see the content? Yeah, there are better tools, like var_dump($my_value); or even the awesome which shows your variables/objects in an interactive javascript box, but honestly, that’s amateur stuff! Real debugging is extremely effective, extremely simple (!) and totally unknown to a large amount of PHP developers. What is debugging? To say it in one sentence: You mark a (or multiple) line(s) in your code within your IDE, run your script with the browser (or by command line), and PHP/xdebug will pause your script exactly where the marker is, showing you the value of each variable/object/etc. At exactly that point in time.

In your daily work you’ll set multiple markers and jump through your application, pausing/resuming with one click (or keyboard shortcut). By the way: If you are not using an IDE like,, etc. TRY IT OUT NOW!

Your life will be so much better. In this tutorial we will use PHPStorm, which is currently the most advanced, most intuitive and most value-for-the-money IDE for PHP. It is perfect for debugging as PHPStorm needs absolutely NO CONFIGURATION (!). Requirements • Install your favourite Apache/MySQL/PHP stack (which has xdebug included), in this tutorial we’ll use, which is probably the best (L)AMP stack for windows machines. It’s always up to date, has a very good interface, allows changing of PHP versions with one click, is totally config-free and offers one-click installations of popular PHP scripts, frameworks, CMS, blogs etc.! XAMPP, which is often used by beginners, does not have xdebug included. Mac users may use MAMP, which has xdebug included.

Edit the php.ini In AMPPS you can edit the php.ini (there is one for every version of PHP by the way!) via clicking the taskbar icon with right mouse button -> Configuration -> PHP. Search for the [xdebug] part, usually at the end of the file. It should look similar to this:;debugging zend_extension = D: Entwicklung Ampps php ext php_xdebug-2.2.3-5.3-vc9.dll [xdebug] xdebug.remote_enable = on xdebug.remote_handler=dbgp xdebug.remote_host='' xdebug.remote_port=9000 xdebug.profiler_enable = off xdebug.profiler_enable_trigger = off xdebug.profiler_output_name = cachegrind.out.%t.%p Don’t change anything here, simply add this line xdebug.remote_autostart = on and close the file (will be saved automatically). QUIT the entire AMPPS application (right click in taskbar icon) and start it again.

Feb 6, 2015 - Although the list of shortcuts that IntelliJ offers is very large, here are just a few that make things so much easier when writing code (special.

This hard restart is necessary to reload the changed php.ini correctly. Open PHPStorm, create a new and empy project locally, create an index.php and put this into the file.

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