Microsoft Excel For Mac 2011 Version 14 1

You should have the tables structured so that the leftmost column is the key, i.e. The unique identifier. In this case, that would be their names. After that, you can simply use VLOOKUP to look up a key in a second table. You can wrap that VLOOKUP in an IFERROR to hide errors by making them equal empty strings (i.e.

') In your example, column C is redundant, so here's how I'd structure it: For copy-and-paste purposes, the formula in C1 is =IFERROR(VLOOKUP($A1,$A$7:$B$9,2,0),') -- then just drag down.


Mac mini late 2012 upgrades. However, in the current version of Excel for Mac 2011 (14.3.1, maybe others) there is a bug that prevents easily opening these backup files. Specifically, the filenames are listed with an.xlsx extension (corresponding to Excel XML format), but are actually in a different format.

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