Keyboard Shortcuts For Word On Mac

Even if you’re familiar with Microsoft Word, you might be surprised by the number and variety of keyboard shortcuts you can use to speed up your work, and just generally make things more convenient. Now, does anyone expect you to memorize all these keyboard combos? Of course not! Everyone’s needs are different, so some will be more useful to you than others. And even if you just pick up a few new tricks, it’s worth it. We’ve also tried to keep the list clean and simple, so go ahead and print it that helps! Also, even though our list of shortcuts here is pretty long, it’s by no means a complete list of every keyboard combo available in Word.

Most of the keyboard shortcuts used in the Mac version are directly comparable to those used in the Windows version. The major differences are often just a matter of differing keyboard layout. On a Mac the Option key and the Command key are typically the equivalent of Alt & Control, respectively, on a PC. With more than 1000 keyboard shortcuts in the Office for Mac Suite, and the ability to create your own, it's great to hone in on some of the most-used keyboard shortcuts available to you.

We’ve tried to keep it to the more generally useful shortcuts. And, you’ll be happy to know that almost all of these shortcuts have been around for a long time, so they should be useful no matter what version of Word you’re using.

General Program Shortcuts There are many general program shortcuts in Microsoft Word that make it easier for you to do everything from save your document to undo a mistake.

In, I gave instructions on how to setup a custom workspace that suits your preferences and workflow style. Now that you know how to work efficiently with customized workspaces, we will now look at a way to work efficiently with Photoshop keyboard shortcuts. Photoshop’s Keyboard Shortcuts allows users the ability to quickly access tools, functions and effects without scrolling for them through menus, “more options” fly out panels and Tool Bar icons. Some people consider mastery of Keyboard Shortcuts essential for professional imaging artists and believe that it’s mandatory to memorize and use them. However, there are hundreds of them; a daunting task, plus most artists’ brains are visually oriented; they like to see and click on things and it’s perfectly acceptable to do so. That being said, mastering Keyboard Shortcuts that are relevant to the style of work at hand speeds up workflow and eliminates the monotony of repetitive seeking and clicking.

In this article I am providing the ones most commonly used by photographers who use Photoshop to adjust and retouch their images. I’m also confining the shortcuts to those that consist of 2-3 keys because I like to assign multiple key shortcuts to a Function key or as an option on my Wacom tablet. To download all of the below shortcuts in a free spreadsheet,. Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts When going for Keyboard Shortcuts that access specific tools and panels, press the first key and quickly the other as if you were playing a piano.

When using them to affect the way a tool or function is working, hold the key while accomplishing the task. Working With Brushes Command Windows Mac Constrain Brush Tool to a straight line Hold down Shift and click points Hold down Shift and click points Increase Brush Size Bracket key – right one Bracket key – right one Decrease Brush Size Bracket key – left one Bracket key – left one Choose Brush Opacity by% Number keys (1=10%, 2=20% etc) Number keys (1=10%, 2=20% etc) Undo the last thing done Ctrl + Z Command + Z The tools located in the Vertical Tool Bar may also be accessed using Keyboard Shortcuts, or by just clicking on the one you want visually. Many of these tool boxes contain multiple options within that may be scrolled through just by repeatedly clicking the Keyboard Shortcut for that tool. Adobe flash player download for mac full version. Photoshop Tool Shortcuts Command Windows/Mac Move Tool Box V Marquee Tool Box M Lasso Tool Box L Quick Selection Tool Box W Crop and Slice Tool Box C Eyedropper Sampler Ruler Tool Box I Healing Brush Tool Box J Brush Tool Box B Clone Stamp Tool Box S History Brush Tool Box Y Eraser Tool Box E Gradient Fill Tool Box G Dodge Burn Tool Box O Pen Tool Box P Text Tool Box T Path Selection Tool Box A Shapes Tool Box U Hand Tool H Rotate Tool R Default Color Box to black and white D Exchange foreground and background colors X When you are learning to use Keyboard Shortcuts, take it easy! Don’t try to learn them all at once; master a few of them and then add a few more. I’d suggest starting with easy navigation shortcuts, like: • Zoom In • Zoom Out • Fit on Screen • File Save • File Close • Toggle Screen Mode (I suggest working in Full Screen Mode with Menu Bar) Then add: • Brush Opacity • Brush Size • New Layer • New Layer via Copy • Add Layer Mask • Edit / Transform • Add Adjustment Layer From there, add more according to the tools and functions you use the most. Create/Modify Your Own Custom Photoshop Shortcuts If you want to modify an existing Photoshop shortcut or create custom Photoshop shortcuts for commands that have no default shortcut, follow the instructions below: In Photoshop, go to Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts, or hit Alt + Shift + Ctrl + K (a shortcut to access the shortcut!) Within the Keyboard Shortcuts window, choose a shortcut type from the “Shortcuts For:” drop down menu.

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