Horizon Client For Mac

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Spam Filter: The spam filter can get a bit ahead of itself. If you make a post and then can't find it, it might have been snatched away. Please and we'll pull it back in. We have a View pool with software 3D enabled (limiting us to 1920x1200) which is fine with our Zero Clients and 1920x1080 LCD's. Users can use connect through Horizon View to their desktops remotely just fine for the most part.

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The issue is users of high resolution iMac's. The user has a 2012 iMac with 2560x1440 display, on OS 10.6.8. By default it will scale up the remote desktop resolution to match the OS resolution, which ends up failing in the case (black screen, no error, drops back to horizon client screen). From what I've read, its usually indicative of a video issue and since the remote desktop can't reach that resolution, it fails.

On the Windows version of the view client, we can set the Display to 'Window-Large' or 'Window-Small' to adjust for this. There doesn't appear to be an option for Mac's to do that, or I just can't find it as I know next to nothing about Mac's.

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