Word For Mac 2011 Remove Section Break

By Geetesh Bajaj, James Gordon. As you fill in a table in Office 2011 for Mac Word document, you may discover you need more rows or columns, or perhaps you will want to merge some cells to enhance the layout. Removing Editor Comments — Word for Mac (2011) Step 1: Remove editor comments after you have accepted or rejected the proposed changes. You can find more information on removing tracked changes at: remove track changes from Word 2011 documents. In the example below, the editor comment has been highlighted on the right-hand margin.

Scenario Your document uses multi-level numbered Heading styles, many of which are referred to as automated cross-references in other parts of the document (e.g. Section 3.2). However, the author has inserted a hard page breaks immediately before a heading. If you delete the hard page break, the heading becomes normal text and the cross-reference to it gets broken. Unfortunately, you don’t realize this until you update the fields in your document and find you have a whole lot of ‘Error! Reference Source Not found.’ messages.

Solution Force a ‘page break before’ the heading BEFORE you remove the manually inserted page break. Here’s how: • Place your cursor anywhere in the heading. • In the Paragraph settings dialog box, go to the Line and Page Breaks tab and select the Page break before check box. • Delete the manually inserted page break. • Optional: Clear the Page break before check box if you really don’t want this section to start on a new page.

Your heading retains its style and any information used by cross-references that refer to it. Hi Diane If you’ve inserted the page break immediately after the TOC (i.e. On the next line), then it will get clobbered. I don’t know why, but Word’s TOC always seems to include the following (empty) paragraph. There are two things you can try: * Insert a couple of extra empty paragraphs after the TOC and then insert the page break, OR * Go to the text after the TOC (likely a heading) and apply the ‘Page break before’ attribute to that text (as described in this blog post). –Rhonda September 4, 2012 at 5:57 am. Microsoft office for mac 2017 update head. This didn’t work.

Do you have another solution? Why does the heading feel it needs a page break before in order to be numbered? Also, another weird thing: I find if I type a number “1” at the beginning of the heading itself, the multi-level list number will *also* magically reappear.

But as soon as I delete the 1, both it and the multi-level list “1” disappear. So I can either get 1. 1EXECUTIVE SUMMARY or EXECUTIVE SUMMARY but not what I want, which is 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY What gives? I’m pulling my hair out trying to figure this out! It doesn’t make any sense! Ashley August 9, 2016 at 7:21 am.

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