What Programs Are Best On The Mac For Making Promotional Flyers

When it comes to choosing the best design programs for making flyers, then No-Refresh is the best solution. The company is a reputed online designer tool firm that is widely recognized for building custom-made internet based application. I will be making all the flyers. Printing budget is low and will probably consist of going to Kinkos and printing on A4 paper. So these flyers are really not all that involved, but I want to make them the very best that they can be.

'I volunteer at a non-profit and had to make a promo video for an event. I decided to take this task because I thought it would be fun, even though I have no background in video making. I've also wanted to try it though, and I found Adobe After Effects was good way to get going.

I had some videos of people doing stuff, and some logos and texts and stuff, and I had to put them together in a way that looked good. After Effects turned out to be pretty easy to use. The interface is pretty intuitve, and I got to try a lot of different options to see what worked best.

How to partition an external hard drive for mac and pc december 2016. This was fun and I want to do more of these and I'll stick with After Effects.'

Nightclub flyers are a staple of club events and parties. Like other promotional tools, they should provide the who, what, where and when of the event. But in addition to providing the essentials, nightclub flyers are supposed to be eye candy that attract guests and help whet their appetite for the upcoming party.

With these pointers in mind, we tried our hand at designing a nightclub flyer. Check it out! For this design, we used different shades of neon pink and violet on top of a black background. We positioned the title of the event near the center of the print and made sure that it had a distinct font size and color. We picked an illustration that gives a preview to the type of mood guests can expect during the event.


We’ve placed the sponsors at the bottom of the print. A few inches above them are the featured performers of the event.

Need practice creating nightclub flyers, or want to do a Photoshop exercise? Follow our lead and recreate this night club flyer from scratch using Adobe Photoshop CS5. Tutorial Assets Step 1 Create a new document and copy the settings below. Now double click the layer, hit OK and name it “Background.” Afterwards, add a gradient to it by double clicking “Background”. Check the Gradient Overlay and copy the settings below. Using the pen tool, trace around the picture of the girl and paste it on the background.

Step 2 We’ll then add more color to the background. Create a new layer (Ctrl+Shift+N) and name it “dots.” Select brush tool (B) and start putting big and small dots on the background. Make sure that you set the Hardness to 0 and Brush opacity from 10% to 40%. Use these colors for your brush: Violet=EA00FF/ Blue=004CBD After combining the two layers, this is how it should look like. Step 3 Create a new layer (Ctrl+Shift+N) and add a backlight by selecting brush tool. Use the same shade of Violet=EA00FF and set the opacity to 100.

This time, set the Blending Mode to “Linear Dodge (Add).” To make the light brighter, add a smaller white brush on top of the violet brush then set the Blending Mode to “Linear Dodge (Add)” Linear Dodge illuminates the base color and reflects the blend color. Scatter the light more by repeating the process above. Try to experiment with different sizes and opacities. Afterwards, lower the saturation of the girl by -40 (Ctrl+U). This is what we came up with. Step 4 Open this image of in Illustrator and paste it to your artwork in Photoshop. Paste (Ctrl+V) it and choose “Pixels.” Desaturate it by pressing Ctrl+Shift+U.

“Send Backward” by pressing “Ctrl [” several times until you’re one layer above “background.” Erase the edges of the abstract lights. Use 0 (zero) hardness of eraser tool so it’ll blend with the background effectively. Step 5 And now for the fun part! Add a light streak around the girl’s body.

Create a new layer and name it “light streak.” Select Pen tool (P) and make sure you select this icon (refer to image below) on the upper left part of Photoshop. Draw a swirly line around the girl’s body. Select a white brush (B) [10 px; 0% hardness] with a 100% opacity. Right click and apply the setting below. Again, select Pen tool, right click and click Stroke Path. Choose “Simulate Pressure” on the checkbox and hit “OK.” By now, you should have a white line spiraling around the girl. Delete the path by pressing “Delete” on your keyboard.

Your artwork should look something like this. Add more glow to that swirl by double clicking “light streak” layer and following the settings below. Now erase some parts of the light streak by using the Eraser tool (E). Remove the lower part of the girl’s body using the Eraser tool with 50% opacity. Step 6 Add some nice silhouettes of dancing people behind her. Use Illustrator to cut this part out.

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