Voice Reading On Mac Is Control What For Word

This is because Voice over under Accesibility has been turned on by accident, sometimes when you hit the Home button twice or more simultaneously on a locked screen and Siri settings has not been configured to NOT bypass locked mode. I had this exact issue and Sprint could not help. You have 2 choices. If you have synced before the issue, you can choose restore from iTunes when you plug your phone to your PC or MAC and that will reset everything for you. Once you do this, turn off Voice Command though Siri can still be on which is OK. Then turn off Siri from the Home button to prevent this as well as better secure access to your phone - this can be done in Settings=>General=>Passcode 2.

Jul 18, 2012 - Cycle through speech attributes: VO+Command+Shift+LeftArrow (or RightArrow). Read word in VoiceOver cursor: VO+W. Spell word: VO+WW. Mac OS X, as a comment to the list of Mac OS X keyboard shortcuts.

Patiently tap each field of the password once, then 2ce; tap the first number of your password sequence once, then twice to fill each field until you enter all 4 characters of your password. The Home screen will unlock. Then go to settings and follow instructions in step 1 above. What happens is Voice over requires using disability features so you have to swipe the screen using 3 fingers to move the screen and double-tapping each option in order to use it.

Voila, you have your phone back. I was able to resolve mine with these steps with help from my teenage son. Very painful experience! Telecharger adobe premiere pro cc mac torrent. The entry is a little tricky because you are giving commands to the iPhone screen to first select and then enter this value basically. Assuming your password is 1234 1.

Tap once on the first password entry to select it 2. Xps to pdf converter for mac. Tap 1 once to select number 1 3. Tap 1 twice to key it into the first spot on the password box 4.

Tap once on the password again to select it 5. Tap 2 once to select number 2 which is the second entry for the password 6. Tap 2 twice to enter 2 in the next password box Follow these for the rest of the passwords and you should be in. The alternative is to restore from iTunes - which will restore to your last sync, you will not lose anything other than anything else you've entered since the last sync - hopefully not a lot. Let the forum know if the password command mode works so others can use it.

I was able to use it successfully. A little more clarification: 1. Tap once on the 4-white square box to select the password box 2. Double-tap on the first white square for the first number in the password entry to select it 3. Tap number 1 once in order to select it as the first number in a password sequence of 1 2 3 4 4. Double-tap the number 1 in order to key it into the first spot on the password box.

If successful, a black dot should appear in the first white square. Repeat this sequence for the rest of your passwords and you should be in. CMD545 wrote: After hours of frustration I used the methods posted,once I was able to get my phone to take my password instead of trying to manipulate the screens to get thru settings, etc.I simply asked Siri to cut off voice over and it was a done deal!

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