Mac How To Set Default Program For File Type

To alter the file association for all files of the same type on your Mac to the new program, press the Change All button. A dialog box will appear asking you to confirm that you wish to change all similar files to open with that application.

Download jw player for mac. BAH, I skimmed the first time and didn't see your alternate method for forcing an LS update. Meh, FWIW: Just one thing after changing an application's (or any bundle/package's) Info.plist: you will likely need to touch the root level of the bundle to update its modification date. Then in the Finder, de-select and re-select the application/bundle/package and when it notices the modification date is later than that of the cached information in the Launch Services database, it will re-register it, thereby recognizing any changes you've made. – Dec 25 '10 at 15:02 •. A little bit late to the party, but I have to agree with @Arjan. If you have a code signed app, like say, oh, I don't know.

It will in fact tell you that the app is damage and to delete it and redownload it from the App Store. What I really don't like is how apps like Enthought Canopy hijack all of the extension icons for themselves. Skype for mac see who is in chat. Apple really should have it that when you set the default editor for a file type that the system goes in and makes all of the necessary changes to things like app association. – Jul 15 '15 at 2:56 •. You need to replace the ICNS file inside the program that is assigned as the default program for the specific file type.

1 - Create an image for the desired icon, then save as a png filetype (png supports transparency). 2 - Convert the png file to an icns filetype (FastIcns is pretty great and it's free). 3 - CMD click or right click the application that is set as the default app for the specific filetype, then select show package contents. 4 - Look for the icns file that the application is designating as the icon for the specific file type, it will probably be in a folder called Resources. 5 - Name the icns file you created, the exact same file name as the one you want to replace. 6 - Copy and paste, or drag and drop the new icns file you created into the folder where the one you want to replace is located, and choose replace when given the option. 7 - You're done!

All of the icons for that file type have been replaced with the new desired icon.

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