Kindle For Mac See Full Real Page Numbers

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Kindle 2.6 for iPhone and iPad now displays “real page numbers,” which Amazon has been adding to a large number of e-books available from the Kindle Store. As you might recall, Amazon recently. Feb 8, 2011 - The real page numbers, of course, may display some. All of this requires some rejiggering of the existing e-book files; Amazon has already.

Would You Like to Have Your Own Calculator on Your Computer? My team and I just created, a book idea validation software that not only uses the calculator above but also helps you to find book ideas that will sell. It does this by finding popular search terms on both Amazon AND Google plus the following: • Tells you how many people per month type the keyword into Google • Tells you how many people per month type the keyword into Amazon (SUPER new feature) • Gives a score from 1-99 telling you how competitive a kindle keyword is • Tells you how much money other books are making • Gives you key data so as to beat those books and rank better Plus this works on both MAC and PC. KDP Rocket is available now for ONLY $97. We are offering it as a one time fee, but soon it will become a subscription.

So, one-time fee now! How to Use the Amazon Sales Rank Calculator Start by inserting the Amazon Bestselling rank number in the plugin above. Once you have it typed in, hit the button above “Click Here.” Within milliseconds, you will have a neatly calculated “Kindle Sales Per Day” Number. Check it out in action: How to find the Amazon Best Sellers Rank You can find a particular ebook’s ranking number under the “Product Details” on any Kindle ebook’s product page: Once you have this rank number, place it in How to effectively use the KDP Calculator Numbers Knowing the numbers is great, but knowing how to use them or when to use them can really take you to the next level. The following are a couple of ways or situations in which the calculation can come in handy: Check for Kindle Keywords or Categories As you do your research to find effective keywords for your ebook’s sales page, this calculator can help to tell you if the results in a keyword search are profitable. You don’t want to target a Keyword phrase or Category that isn’t making sales.


Check Another Author’s Credibility Sadly we operate in a self-publishing world where many marketers make false claims. I am sure we have all heard it “yeah, I make 6 figures with my books every month” or something along those lines. If that is the case, go ahead and plug their ebook’s rank number into the plugin and see what comes up. Be careful though, the rank number changes frequently. Kindle Sales Rank Goals Just being able to see the target “books per day” can be a real difference maker and help an author set up their publishing goals. Instead of being a mythical number, you can now have a better understanding of what to expect and what is attainable. I want to draw thick lines in acrobat reader for mac Don’t Forget some Other Kindlepreneur Articles I hope you enjoyed this free tool, but definitely, check out some of my top articles which will help you in your business: – Would you like a list of the top ebook promotion sites, both free and paid.

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