How To Format My Passport Wd For Mac Scheme

Oct 21, 2017 - Hi, yesterday I bought a new 8tb WD external hard drive, it came formatted as exFat, I tried to format it to. I'm going to install an old os x version on the ssd, boot my iMac and see if it can format the drives normally. “Disk too large for partition scheme, failed”. I had the same problem with a WD Passport. I have a WD My Passport for Mac. I used to have a Macbook Air so it would always read the devise cause i guess it was formatted just for Mac. I sold my Mac and bout a windows computer.

With the release of, Apple took the opportunity to give. You can still use the software to format a startup drive—it’s similar to the steps in the previous version. This how-to goes through the steps of formatting a startup drive using Disk Utility 15 in El Capitan. If you’re using an older version of Disk Utility, the steps are.

Connect your drive To format an external storage device, connect it to one of the ports on your Mac. Turn the drive on, and make sure it appears in the Finder. If you’ve already installed El Capitan and you want to format you Mac’s internal drive, you can boot into Recovery Mode to format the drive. To boot into Recovery mode, start up your Mac and hold down Command-R.

You should see a window labeled OS X Utilities. (Note: if you format your Mac’s internal drive, this will erase all of the data on the drive, including your apps, file, and the operating system.) 2. Open Disk Utility Disk Utility You’ll use OS X’s Disk Utility app to format the drive.

How to format my passport for mac os x

Locate Disk Utility in Applications > Utilities and open it. If you booted into Recovery mode, select Disk Utility at the bottom of the window (see below).

Select the storage device in Disk Utility Disk Utility’s left pane shows the storage devices connected to your Mac. Underneath each device are the drive’s partitions. Select the device you want to format. Then click the Erase button at the top. If the Erase button is dimmed, it means the drive you want to format is in use and you need to boot off another drive or into Recovery mode, which was described in step 1. Name and Format A dialog box will appear. You need to enter a name for your storage device.

Click the pop-up menu for Format, and you can select one of the formats. The default selection is OS X Extended (Journaled); if you want a layer of security, you can go with OS X Extended (Journaled, Encrypted), which will encrypt your storage device. (If you don’t see the Encrypted options, that’s probably because the drive you are formatting is currently not using a GUID Partition Map. Select OS X Extended (Journaled), proceed to step 5, and then come back to step 4, repeating the step but with an Encrypted option selected.) The “Case-sensitive” formats allow for file names with capital letters to be different from lowercase letters. So, for example, three files named FILE, File, and file can exist in the same folder. You probably don’t need to use a Case-sensitive format.

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