Best Mac For Ibm Client For Ebusiness

(from 'remotepress' above) On-Screen Keyboard - Of course you have to have it as the foreground program, with the 'psc' key in a visible area of the screen to get the mouse cursor to it, but, hey, it works and you don't have to download it. (SHIFT-CNTRL-ALT before or concurrent with either F13 or F14 does not work for me) ********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** Would people posting in the future please include which model [number] Apple USB keyboard and which version of Windows they are using? How to program a non mac keyboard for macbook pro. At least with any of my configurations: No combination of F12-F15, 3 nor 4 with any combination of 'meta' keys such as 'Shift' 'Control' 'Option' - the 'Alt' key 'Command' - the 'Apple' or '4-leaf clover' key that maps to the 'Windows' (?) key of a PC keyboard. What would [almost certainly] work with the right settings: editing the keymap in remap.reg (from Claudiu Nemes) What doesn't work.

Linux Desktop Certification on Hold Things have changed since then. It may be technically feasible to use the native Sun JRE plug-in with Linux desktops, and I've seen anecdotal reports that suggest that some power users are using this configuration already. However, formal certification of Linux desktops with the E-Business Suite has been put on hold, and we have no immediate plans to conduct any Early Adopter Programs or internal certification tests with Linux desktops. Understanding Your Requirements One of the challenges that we've had in prioritizing this certification is the relative lack of information about real customer demand. Shortcuts This is further complicated by the plethora of available Linux distributions.

We update our certification priorities regularly based on the latest available technologies and customer requirements, all of which are constantly evolving. If you'd like to let us know about your plans for Linux, drop me an email or post a comment here with answers to the following questions: • How many production desktops are running Linux? • How many production desktops are running Windows or Mac OS X? • What Linux distribution and version are you using on your desktops? Red Hat Linux Desktop 5) • What chipset are your desktops running?

Cached client support for Mac OS X (Java clients only). The Host On-Demand Toolkit, which is shipped with the Host Access Client Package. You can use the Java component-based Host Access Toolkit to create customized e-business.

Intel x86, AMD64, and Intel 64) • What browser and version are being used on Linux? Firefox • What E-Business Suite release are you running? Release, 12.0.2) • What applications are you running? Accounts Payable, Order Management, Inventory) Related •. Two words, Steven: 'chicken', 'egg'.

And btw, who's vision or strategy is this? While the whole world is watching Vista with suspicion, Oracle is saying: 'well, we're not going to certify the Linux Desktop for EBS, because nobody seems to want it'? Did I miss something? Another btw: You guys did certify Firefox, and made the following remark: 'By the way, we rarely hear about Firefox issues from our users, which has led many to speculate it's not a popular browser among our customers. (I've tried to explain how that logic is faulty, but not always with success.)' Maybe you and Keith need to catch up on 'logic'. Oh, wait, I did miss something (update #3 on the Vista certification): 'This has visibility at the highest executive levels in both of our respective organizations, so this certification effort has been prioritized accordingly. Both Oracle and Microsoft are highly motivated to complete this certification as soon as possible.'

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