Adobe Creative Suite For Mac And Pc

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February 08, 2011 Designers need the right tools to create. It’s been proven that the Adobe Creative Suite is an essential tool for designers. But the most important choice a designer or design company must make?

Choosing between PC and Mac. It’s no secret that the Mac has been labeled the “designer” machine, whereas PCs are solely for stuffy businessmen. But is Mac really the most common computer used by designers?

Or really the best choice for that matter? Why do so many creatives and designers choose Mac over PC? Hopefully not. Hopefully designers think beyond what is cool and look more for a machine that’ll provide the best designs, most efficiently.

There’s a lot of research involved in deciding your design computer. Designers must examine the elements of each computer and how the machine itself accommodates the designer’s needs.

Here are a few things Designers should think about when choosing between Mac and PC: Graphics, Color & Typography are the three main elements designer’s handle in their daily work, so they need a machine that can manage their needs. Apple has really focused one improving their colors and fonts.


This is especially as color and fonts must be the same on screen as they are on printed material. Mac’s offer the advantage of font standardization and many graphic designers and printers that use Macs barely need Opentype fonts. This results in less font conflicts and happier designers — for this reason, many designers lean towards Macs for print design. Bonus: Many Mac employees are creatives themselves, so they offer an inside look into the mind of creatives and their work habits. Next: Software The major software applications, such as the Adobe Creative Suite, are developed for both Mac OSX and PC Windows platform.

Basically, there are no real differences between the on each platform. The only advantage of running the software on a Mac is the advantage of having more tools and applications included that are Mac-only. However, the PC has a much wider range of software available solely for their platform — especially if you are a designer working in the In this case, web designers find PCs a better tool since fonts are not a huge concern. Trouble removing watermark in word for mac.

Photographers and designers who do a lot of image rendering/editing also tend to be Mac consumers. This is because Macs have a large amount of and tools that are free and Mac only, such as iPhoto. Other than the Adobe CS software, the other photo editing software compatible on Macs are Lightroom and Aperture. PC’s also have almost all the photo editing software available for Macs. User Friendly Many designers prefer Macs because of “shortcut” keys.

These tricks help efficiency, as the time spent on a project can be drastically reduced. They also allow designers to multi-task and work between many projects. Of course, PCs have shortcut keys too, although these keys differ between the platforms (i.e. PCs do not have the command key). Mac’s also offer the ability to easily maneuver projects with the Spaces function.

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